Eleanor & Olive, Enjoying Plants in South London

Eleanor & Olive, Enjoying Plants in South London

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Succinctly, what do you do with your time in real life?

I am currently looking after my 6 month old baby full time, her name is Olive. 

And your digital self?

I don’t really have much of a digital self to speak of, but I would call myself a ‘noticer of things’ - I take a lot of photos and have vague plans to have an instagram account of those things one day!

What do plants means to you?

Plants to me mean, life! In several senses of the word. Challenge, care, beauty, interest… texture, decoration - I find them inspirational and thought provoking.

Are you growing anything?

I’m not really growing anything in particular, apart from the plants that are in my flat.

Do you dream of growing anything?

I do dream of growing a wildflower patch when we move house, and I’ve also wanted an Oxalis triangularis for a long time, because they look like butterflies, and I really like them.

Where do you buy plants?

Nowhere in particular - a lot of the ones we have, have come from various supermarkets. But there is a street florist in Norwood Junction called Blooming Desires and we’ve got a few things from her before, and also from a shop in Crystal Palace.

Favourite plant?

I love Ranunculus and poppies a lot - Iris and gladioli are also some of my favourites.

Favourite garden?

Coombe Wood gardens, which is gorgeous all year-round, and they have every single colour Rhododendron that you could think of - well worth a visit.

Have you ever used plants in your designs?

I used some of my plants in the graphics for my wedding. And I also designed and made a necklace for my Mum from my Dad, for their wedding anniversary, in the shape of an Aster.

Consuming Ideas - Ecological Gardening, Rewilding & Soil

Consuming Ideas - Ecological Gardening, Rewilding & Soil

Dahlias at Breakfast Time

Dahlias at Breakfast Time