Emily, Balcony Garden in London

Emily, Balcony Garden in London

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Succinctly, what do you do with your time in real life?

In real life, I mainly spend my time - working, sitting at my laptop staring into the abyss, going for walks, eating, having nice long baths, watching a lot of television, writing about it, and also writing other stuff - film reviews, currently trying to write a romantic comedy.

And your digital self?

My film review platform, Have You Scene It? that has nearly 3000 followers, so that’s my main digital imprint.

What do plants means to you?

Plants are…. a challenge, I like plants, I like having flowers, I often buy flowers to have in my house, I find them difficult to grow, but I like them a lot, they bring me calm and I like how they smell and how they look. They remind me of the transient nature of life, so that’s that.

Are you growing anything?

Yes! I am growing daffodils, just been growing snowdrops…. geraniums, lavender, ivy, trying to grow sweet peas, and…peony! which is my most impressive one, as well as rosemary and myrtle, and a sage bush that I got from Sproutl, which is such a great platform for buying plants.

Pick a plant

Monkey puzzle tree, because I think they’re really cool.

Pick a garden

Tresco Abbey Garden, bloody love it, what a place.

Pick a plant from a film

Devil’s Snare in Harry Potter

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